Friday, April 11, 2008

God bless the amby bed. (ha, ha..) ... a poem...

Once there was a baby, a very sweet lady, who'd only fall asleep by cuddling
But she found when she woke, a practical joke, a strange odd contraption for bundling?
It was cozy, thought she, but she couldn't quite see
What the point was for all of this fuddling.
But she slept long and longer and with each passing day

Was glad for the way this will stay

And now with a smile her Mom's here to say, "It's great! Even with all my muddling."

1 comment:

Daniel and Natalie said...

Wow! It sounds like you guys are doing better. I'm so happy your getting over the colds. Lily and Evie have something in common with both loving to say "woah!" Sometimes Evelyn has even started saying OH!, Wow! Which totally cracks me up. I thought that she had chicken pox but today I've decided its Roseola, which is similar but not itchy and doesn't develop sores. It starts with a fever for several days and then the rash for a few more days. Hopefully she'll get over it soon. I think I'm glad it's not the chicken pox quite yet. I'll call y'all soon! Love Natalie