The original - "The Snow Queen" by Hans Christian Anderson can be read online for free! I usually read everything aloud so we can share this whole experience. If your kids are younger though, you can start with one of the adaptations and adjust which resources to use. (We did this project and took the pictures in July/August 2018)
How you can do a "Fairy tale project"--
Each day read a chapter from one of the novels (In this case "Ophelia and the Marvelous Boy" or the original fairy tale.)
Watch one of the movies (alternate long and short or go in order of oldest to newest) and read a picture book about snow every so often. Have a party when you are almost done with all the movies and books. Save your favorite for last or watch/read the favorite again if people want to!
This rhythm lasts us about a month usually. We have done it in a shorter amount of time, but it kind of burns people out so it seems to be better for us to enjoy at whatever pace everyone is wanting to enjoy it.