Sunday, November 04, 2007


The layout that didn't win.... (if you voted for me and are curious, number 3 in the top right corner was the winner.. the "summer" one with the neat flower shaped pictures.)

This is the poem (up close) that I wrote for the page so that you can read it. :)

They did tell me that a bunch of people asked how I did the lace design around the pictures and one lady even came in and drew on her own paper the shape of the pictures and background and where everything was so that she could copy it (she bought all the same paper to do that too!)

I think perhaps my style is sort of different and either you really like it's unique qualities or don't think it looks trendy enough. ;)


  1. If you had to come in 2nd at least it was to number 3 and not one of those other ones. I bet you were a close 2nd. You should try agian.That was fun going in and voting.

  2. I might try later, but I really shouldn't this time because I just spent so much money (all the profit from one of the art pieces that just sold) to buy more scrapbooking paper for more artwork and scrapbooking. So I really shouldn't do it this time... maybe later... I'm a little disapointed though too. I wonder if anyone actually looked at mine closely enough to see the detail. I really liked the one that came in first, but when I looked closely at it I noticed that the embelishemts were just store bought and though it took a while for her to put the two different colors of chalk and all the sparkles on the page... *shrug* I just admire people who do their own embelishements more than just spending loads of money to make a page look good.

    I think YOU should totally do the contest. It doesn't say that the pages have to be 12 by 12 just that it has to be a two page lay-out. You should do the contest and blow them all away. ;)
