Friday, March 14, 2008

A big sister's privilege

I don't have many new pictures today (there's only so many I can take of Renna sleeping), but I thought this was pretty cute with Lily. We had to go to the store yesterday and since the Miner (Youssef's work) gave us a Safeway gift card we got just a few fun things with it (barbecue chips are another thing that Lily is eating now that I got, that I don't normally ever buy) besides more practical stuff. It was really fun actually because we sort of went around the store and mostly just picked what we wanted. I got some things that we'd been needing too, but it felt so wonderfully guilt free to just get stuff like that. Lily really wanted asperigus and yogart, and we got stuff to go on our angelfood cake and things like that.

Today is friday!!! Youssef will be back in a little over two hours, and I'm making pizza for dinner! (I made the crust yesterday at the same time as the bread.)
*smile* I like my life.

1 comment:

  1. This is like the cutest picture of Lily ever and no one commented!
