Saturday, July 12, 2008

A bit over four months...

I haven't been good about getting pictures of Renna on her birth date each month like I did with Lily (which was a pain) so this is almost a week after she's turned 4 months old.. but it's close.

And was a good opportunity to take cuty pictures of her with her rainbow dress on! (And I don't know how much longer it will fit her!)


  1. Love, love, love the dress. I knew she'd be a vision in it! Such special days with our little ones. I felt the baby move the other night and Daniel actually did too! That was way earlier than I figured it out with Evie. Talk to ya soon! Love, Natalie

  2. Maybe it's a boy then? I've heard that boys kick more, but Lily kicked a lot more than Renna.. she also walked really early "for a girl" .. but.. maybe you're having a boy? ;)

  3. Oh, and this was like at least the fifth time she's worn the outfit, I just didn't get a picture of it before because she spit up so much and I changed her clothes a lot. ;)

  4. The rainbow dress is just too cute! Did you make it? I love your expression in the last photo there too, very fun!
    I am off to retrieve a crying baby.
