Thursday, June 01, 2017

Herb Fairies & Poetry PIZZA Time!

We just got something that I have been interested in for about half my life!  *Healing Herbs! * But this is amazing because it's told in story form (I am all about the stories!) And with fairies (hello, love fairies!) And it is technically made for kids, but I would want it for me even if my kids didn't want to join me.

We live in a town home apartment so potted gardening is all I can do right now and I have to haul watering pots to water everything (which means my main problem is letting things dry out too much), but I have had a few herbs growing now for a few years!

Because of the herbal learning course I got some seeds to see if I could get them going.  I am not great at this, but I will try again.

The names of the fairies in the stories are the Latin names of the herb in question and in the stories we learn about how to identify the plant and also what it can be used for and how.  We made our *Chebe gluten free bread * into pizza crusts this day shaped like leaves from the plants we wanted!  Lemon Balm, Peppermint, Viola, and Chickweed.
We also went outside and picked the herbs I had going to add to our pizzas.  Oregano and basil of course, but even rosemary, lavendar, and peppermint were chosen to be placed on their chosen pizzas leaf.  They really owned the process!
They also were wearing their fairy wings the whole time so that they could pretend they were herb fairies while we prepared the food.
Of course we made peppermint and lemon balm tea for our Poetry pizza tea time this day!
Little collection of herbs to choose from and setting up the table with games to play afterward.

The girls wanted me to pull out my own fairy wings that were from back in the day and buried in my closet.  I look a little crazy here, but I was just a tad worn out from all the prep and fun!  The pizza was amazing though!
The herb bingo that comes with the course (to print out)
Eating pizza!
Of course the mess after the food and some work at writing and copying poetry to go on our "poet-tree."
The fun lasted even till daddy got home when we were playing "wild craft" which is from the same people, but we have had this for a few years now.  Still love it!
Later we actually found some wild chickweed (which is the herb the first book is about) and it was right in our apartment complex!  It was an exciting day!  I dug some up and brought it inside to see if it would grow better.
The bunny (and hamster) both tried the wild chickweed and seemed to like it!  Now if I could get it to grow a bit more, then maybe we could start using it too.

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